structuralize lietuviškai

structuralize tarimas /ˈstrʌktʃ(ə)rəlʌɪz/

structuralize vertimas

  1. struktūrizuoti

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • concerned with systematic structure in a particular field of study
  • affecting or involved in structure or construction "the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters; not ornamental elements" "structural damage"
  • relating to or having or characterized by structure "structural engineer" "structural errors" "structural simplicity"
  • relating to or caused by structure, especially political or economic structure "structural unemployment in a technological society"
  • relating to or concerned with the morphology of plants and animals "morphological differences"
  • pertaining to geological structure "geomorphological features of the Black Hills" "morphological features of granite" "structural effects of folding and faulting of the earth's surface"
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