off colour lietuviškai

Play off colour tarimas /ˌɒfˈkʌlə/

off colour vertimas

  1. a neįprastos spalvos nesveikos išvaizdos
  2. nelabai sveikas
  3. to look off-colour blogai atrodyti
  4. to be/feel a bit off-colour sirguliuoti blogos nuotaikos sugedęs
  5. sugadintas nepadorus
  6. abejotinas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • in violation of good taste even verging on the indecent "an indelicate remark" "an off-color joke"
  • somewhat ill or prone to illness "my poor ailing grandmother" "feeling a bit indisposed today" "you look a little peaked" "feeling poorly" "a sickly child" "is unwell and can't come to work"
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