cultivated lietuviškai

Play cultivated tarimas /ˈkʌltɪveɪtɪd/

cultivated vertimas

  1. kultūringas
  2. išsilavinęs
  3. išlavintas
  4. gerai išauklėtas
  5. gerų manierų
  6. įdirbtas
  7. dirbamas
  8. kultūrinis
  9. kultivuojamas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • work land as by ploughing, harrowing, and manuring, in order to make it ready for cultivation "till the soil"
  • adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment "domesticate oats" "tame the soil"
  • prepare for crops "Work the soil" "cultivate the land"
  • foster the growth of
  • teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment "Cultivate your musical taste" "Train your tastebuds" "She is well schooled in poetry"
  • be a farmer; work as a farmer "My son is farming in California"
  • (of land or fields) prepared for raising crops by plowing or fertilizing "cultivated land"
  • marked by refinement in taste and manners "cultivated speech" "cultured Bostonians" "cultured tastes" "a genteel old lady" "polite society"
  • no longer in the natural state; developed by human care and for human use "cultivated roses" "cultivated blackberries"
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