warmer lietuviškai

Play warmer tarimas /ˈwɔːmə/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room
  • occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company "a convivial atmosphere at the reunion" "a woman of convivial nature" "he was a real good-time Charlie"
  • marked by warmth of feeling like kindness and sympathy and generosity "gave a warmhearted welcome to the stranger"
  • of a seeker; near to the object sought "you're getting warm" "hot on the trail"
  • uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble "made things warm for the bookies"
  • characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreement "a warm debate"
  • characterized by strong enthusiasm "ardent revolutionaries" "warm support"
  • easily aroused or excited "a quick temper" "a warm temper"
  • freshly made or left "a warm trail" "the scent is warm"
  • having or displaying warmth or affection "affectionate children" "a fond embrace" "fond of his nephew" "a tender glance" "a warm embrace"
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