voracious lietuviškai

Play voracious tarimas /vəˈreɪʃəs/

voracious vertimas

  1. grobuoniškas
  2. godus
  3. nepasotinamas
  4. rajus

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • devouring or craving food in great quantities "edacious vultures" "a rapacious appetite" "ravenous as wolves" "voracious sharks"
  • given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink "over-fed women and their gluttonous husbands" "a gluttonous debauch" "a gluttonous appetite for food and praise and pleasure"
  • excessively greedy and grasping "a rapacious divorcee on the prowl" "ravening creditors" "paying taxes to voracious governments"
  • impossible to satisfy "an insatiate appetite" "an insatiable demand for old buildings to restore" "his passion for work was unsatiable"
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