trench mouth lietuviškai

trench mouth vertimas

  1. tranšėjos burną

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • an acute communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mucous membrane
  • An acute or chronic GINGIVITIS characterized by redness and swelling, NECROSIS extending from the interdental papillae along the gingival margins, PAIN; HEMORRHAGE, necrotic odor, and often a pseudomembrane. The condition may extend to the ORAL MUCOSA; TONGUE; PALATE; or PHARYNX. The etiology is somewhat unclear, but may involve a complex of FUSOBACTERIUM NUCLEATUM along with spirochetes BORRELIA or TREPONEMA.;VINCENT INFECTION where the lesions spread to the SOFT PALATE and OROPHARYNX.
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