tinnitus lietuviškai

Play tinnitus tarimas /ˈtɪnɪtəs/

tinnitus vertimas

  1. spengimas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • a ringing or booming sensation in one or both ears; a symptom of an ear infection or Meniere's disease
  • A nonspecific symptom of hearing disorder characterized by the sensation of buzzing, ringing, clicking, pulsations, and other noises in the ear. Objective tinnitus refers to noises generated from within the ear or adjacent structures that can be heard by other individuals. The term subjective tinnitus is used when the sound is audible only to the affected individual. Tinnitus may occur as a manifestation of COCHLEAR DISEASES; VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE DISEASES; INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION; CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA; and other conditions.
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