straight lietuviškai

Play straight tarimas /streɪt/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed "genuine emotion" "her interest in people was unfeigned" "true grief"
  • in an honest manner "in he can't get it honestly, he is willing to steal it" "was known for dealing aboveboard in everything"
  • in a crude or unrefined manner "he was crudely bold"
  • with sincerity; without pretense "she praised him sincerely for his victory" "was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher" "we are truly sorry for the inconvenience"
  • in keeping with the facts "set the record straight" "made sure the facts were straight in the report"
  • successive (without a break) "sick for five straight days"
  • rigidly conventional or old-fashioned
  • following a correct or logical method "straight reasoning"
  • reliable in matters of fact "he was always straight with me"
  • without water "took his whiskey neat"
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