spread lietuviškai

Play spread tarimas /sprɛd/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television "We cannot air this X-rated song"
  • make bigger or more "The boss finally increased her salary" "The university increased the number of students it admitted"
  • cause to become widely known "spread information" "circulate a rumor" "broadcast the news"
  • grow rapidly "Pizza parlors proliferate in this area"
  • distributed or spread over a considerable extent "has ties with many widely dispersed friends" "eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe"
  • fully extended in width "outspread wings" "with arms spread wide"
  • prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out "a table spread with food"
  • act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time
  • decorative cover for a bed
  • farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
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