responsible lietuviškai

Play responsible tarimas /rɪˈspɒnsɪb(ə)l/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • being the agent or cause "determined who was the responsible party" "termites were responsible for the damage"
  • worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable "a responsible adult" "responsible journalism" "a responsible position" "the captain is responsible for the ship's safety" "the cabinet is responsible to the parliament"
  • having an acceptable credit rating "a responsible borrower"
  • morally or legally responsible to a higher authority "parents are answerable for their child's acts"
  • worthy of being depended on "a dependable worker" "an honest working stiff" "a reliable source of information" "he was true to his word" "I would be true for there are those who trust me"
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