reckoning lietuviškai

Play reckoning tarimas /ˈrɛk(ə)nɪŋ/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • expect, believe, or suppose "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel" "I thought to find her in a bad state" "he didn't think to find her in the kitchen" "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up"
  • make a mathematical calculation or computation
  • deem to be "She views this quite differently from me" "I consider her to be shallow" "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"
  • judge to be probable
  • take account of "You have to reckon with our opponents" "Count on the monsoon"
  • have faith or confidence in "you can count on me to help you any time" "Look to your friends for support" "You can bet on that!" "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
  • the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order "the counting continued for several hours"
  • problem solving that involves numbers or quantities
  • a bill for an amount due
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