receptive lietuviškai

Play receptive tarimas /rɪˈsɛptɪv/

receptive vertimas

  1. minkštas
  2. minkštaširdis
  3. jautriai reaguojantis
  4. imlus

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • easily moved to pity or sorrow "a softhearted judge"
  • allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through "permeable membranes" "rock that is permeable by water"
  • of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system "sensory neurons"
  • open to arguments, ideas, or change "receptive to reason and the logic of facts"
  • ready or willing to receive favorably "receptive to the proposals"
  • able to absorb liquid (not repellent) "the paper is ink-receptive"
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