ravening lietuviškai

Play ravening tarimas /ˈravənɪŋ/

ravening vertimas

  1. grobuoniškas
  2. godus
  3. plėšrus

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • devouring or craving food in great quantities "edacious vultures" "a rapacious appetite" "ravenous as wolves" "voracious sharks"
  • excessively greedy and grasping "a rapacious divorcee on the prowl" "ravening creditors" "paying taxes to voracious governments"
  • living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey "a predatory bird" "the rapacious wolf" "raptorial birds" "ravening wolves" "a vulturine taste for offal"
  • large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail
  • feed greedily "The lions ravened the bodies"
  • eat greedily "he devoured three sandwiches"
  • prey on or hunt for "These mammals predate certain eggs"
  • obtain or seize by violence
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