raised lietuviškai

Play raised tarimas /reɪzd/

raised vertimas

  1. papuoštas reljefiniu ornamentu
  2. pakeltas
  3. reljefiškas
  4. užraugtas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery "brocaded silk" "an embossed satin" "embossed leather" "raised needlework" "raised metalwork"
  • increased especially to abnormal levels "the raised prices frightened away customers" "inflated wages" "an inflated economy"
  • located or moved above the surround or above the normal position "a raised design" "raised eyebrows"
  • leavened usually with yeast "raised bread"
  • increased in amount or degree "raised temperature"
  • have as a necessary feature "This decision involves many changes"
  • make bigger or more "The boss finally increased her salary" "The university increased the number of students it admitted"
  • take possession of "She entered upon the estate of her rich relatives"
  • cause to rise up
  • become bigger or greater in amount "The amount of work increased"
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