pissed lietuviškai

Play pissed tarimas /pɪst/

pissed vertimas

  1. suirzęs
  2. įtūžęs
  3. įsiutęs
  4. supykęs
  5. girtas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • very drunk
  • aroused to impatience or anger "made an irritated gesture" "feeling nettled from the constant teasing" "peeved about being left out" "felt really pissed at her snootiness" "riled no end by his lies" "roiled by the delay"
  • very angry
  • stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol) "a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors" "helplessly inebriated"
  • informal terms for urination "he took a pee"
  • liquid excretory product "there was blood in his urine" "the child had to make water"
  • something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness "washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer" "a bit of a bother" "he's not a friend, he's an infliction"
  • eliminate urine "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"
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