peculiarly lietuviškai

Play peculiarly tarimas /pɪˈkjuːlɪəli/

peculiarly vertimas

  1. keistai
  2. smalsiai
  3. ypač
  4. asmeniškai

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • in an original manner
  • with curiosity "the baby looked around curiously"
  • in a strange manner "a queerly inscribed sheet of paper" "he acted kind of funny"
  • in a manner differing from the usual or expected "had a curiously husky voice" "he's behaving rather peculiarly"
  • to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common "he was particularly fussy about spelling" "a particularly gruesome attack" "under peculiarly tragic circumstances" "an especially (or specially) cautious approach to the danger"
  • uniquely or characteristically "these peculiarly cinematic elements" "a peculiarly French phenomenon" "everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him" - John Knowles
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