over lietuviškai

Play over tarimas /ˈəʊvə/

over vertimas

  1. per
  2. baigtas
  3. pasibaigęs
  4. praėjęs
  5. dar kartą
  6. iš naujo
  7. rūpestingai
  8. be to
  9. dar
  10. nu-
  11. par-
  12. virš
  13. daugiau
  14. su viršum
  15. ant
  16. kitoje pusėje
  17. per-
  18. persi-
  19. į kitą pusę
  20. į šalį
  21. pri-
  22. žemyn
  23. mažiau
  24. žemai
  25. visiškai
  26. galutinai
  27. apie
  28. dėl
  29. …metu
  30. vienu metu su
  31. procese
  32. metu
  33. ...metu
  34. daugiau kaip
  35. aukščiau už
  36. viršuje
  37. per daug
  38. pas save
  39. perviršis
  40. perlėkis
  41. viršutinis
  42. aukščiau esantis
  43. atliekamas
  44. per didelis

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • covering; being carried by; supported by; to a position on
  • in the opposite direction "run counter"
  • at the same time as "even as he lay dying they argued over his estate" "the building collapsed just as he arrived"
  • having come or been brought to a conclusion "the harvesting was complete" "the affair is over, ended, finished" "the abruptly terminated interview"
  • throughout a period of time "stay over the weekend"
  • at or to a point across intervening space etc. "come over and see us some time" "over there"
  • throughout an area "he is known the world over"
  • in such a manner as to be understood and accepted "she cannot get her ideas across"
  • over the entire area "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers" "she ached all over" "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"
  • beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position "a roof that hangs over" ;
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