out of order lietuviškai

out of order vertimas

  1. sugedęs
  2. netikęs
  3. nebeveikiantis
  4. neveikiantis
  5. nederamas
  6. ne iš eilės
  7. ne pagal nustatytą tvarką
  8. neteisingas
  9. netinkamas
  10. nesilaikantis reglamento
  11. tvarkos

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • not working properly "a bad telephone connection" "a defective appliance"
  • out of working order (`busted' is an informal substitute for `broken') "a broken washing machine" "the coke machine is broken" "the coke machine is busted"
  • not in accord with established usage or procedure "the wrong medicine" "the wrong way to shuck clams" "it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts"
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