open lietuviškai

Play open tarimas /ˈəʊp(ə)n/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • easy to get along with or talk to; friendly "an accessible and genial man"
  • not leased to or occupied by a tenant "an unoccupied apartment" "very little unclaimed and untenanted land"
  • ready for business "the stores are open"
  • not having been filled "the job is still open"
  • receptive to new ideas "an open mind" "open to new ideas"
  • opened out "an open newspaper"
  • relatively empty of and unobstructed by fences or hedges or headlands or shoals "in open country" "the open countryside" "open waters" "on the open seas"
  • sincere and free of reserve in expression "Please be open with me"
  • openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness "his candid eyes" "an open and trusting nature" "a heart-to-heart talk"
  • without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition "the clarity and resonance of an open tone" "her natural and open response"
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