named lietuviškai

named tarimas /neɪm/

named vertimas

  1. vadinamas
  2. nurodytas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • bearing the author's name "a named source"
  • given or having a specified name "they called his name Jesus" "forces...which Empedocles called `love' and `hate'" "an actor named Harold Lloyd" "a building in Cardiff named the Temple of Peace"
  • a noun that denotes a particular thing; usually capitalized
  • by the sanction or authority of "halt in the name of the law"
  • a language unit by which a person or thing is known "his name really is George Washington" "those are two names for the same thing"
  • a defamatory or abusive word or phrase
  • family based on male descent "he had no sons and there was no one to carry on his name"
  • a well-known or notable person "they studied all the great names in the history of France" "she is an important figure in modern music"
  • a person's reputation "he wanted to protect his good name"
  • identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
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