more lietuviškai

Play more tarimas /mɔː/

more vertimas

  1. dar
  2. daugiau
  3. labiau
  4. tolesnis
  5. tolimesnis
  6. juo daugiau ... tuo daugiau/mažiau
  7. negu
  8. verčiau
  9. geriau
  10. greičiau
  11. virš
  12. su viršum
  13. be to
  14. vėl
  15. dar kartą
  16. didesnis skaičius

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as' or `too' or `so' or `that'; amounting to a large but indefinite number "many temptations" "the temptations are many" "a good many" "a great many" "many directions" "ta..."
  • (comparative of `much' used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree "more land" "more support" "more rain fell" "more than a gallon"
  • (comparative of `many' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning greater in number "a hall with more seats" "we have no more bananas" "more than one"
  • used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs "more interesting" "more beautiful" "more quickly"
  • comparative of much; to a greater degree or extent "he works more now" "they eat more than they should"
  • in addition, by way of addition; furthermore "he serves additionally as the CEO"
  • English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded; recalled for his concept of Utopia, the ideal state
  • again but in a new or different way "start afresh" "wanted to write the story anew" "starting life anew in a fresh place"
  • each of a large indefinite number "many a man" "many another day will come"
  • (quantifier used with mass nouns) great in quantity or degree or extent "not much rain" "much affection" "much grain is in storage"
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