minted lietuviškai

Play minted tarimas /ˈmɪntɪd/

minted vertimas

  1. kaltinis - pvz: "minted coins"

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • a candy flavored with peppermint oil
  • a plant where money is coined by authority of the government
  • a candy that is flavored with a mint oil
  • the leaves of a mint plant used fresh or candied
  • any north temperate plant of the genus Mentha with aromatic leaves and small mauve flowers
  • (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent "a batch of letters" "a deal of trouble" "a lot of money" "he made a mint on the stock market" "see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos" "it must have cost plenty" "a..."
  • any member of the mint family of plants
  • as if new "in mint condition"
  • form by stamping, punching, or printing "strike coins" "strike a medal"
  • Mentha is a genus of the mint family (LAMIACEAE). It is known for species having characteristic flavor and aroma.
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