linger lietuviškai

Play linger tarimas /ˈlɪŋɡə/

linger vertimas

  1. atsilikti
  2. vilktis
  3. driektis
  4. užsibūti
  5. užtrukti
  6. neskubėti
  7. gaišuoti
  8. šlaistytis
  9. slampinėti
  10. stoviniuoti
  11. slankioti
  12. dykinėti
  13. trainiotis
  14. laikytis
  15. tvyroti

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • to lag or linger behind "But in so many other areas we still are dragging"
  • leave slowly and hesitantly
  • take one's time; proceed slowly
  • be about "The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square" "Who is this man that is hanging around the department?"
  • move to and fro "The shy student lingered in the corner"
  • remain present although waning or gradually dying "Her perfume lingered on"
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