incapable lietuviškai

Play incapable tarimas /ɪnˈkeɪpəb(ə)l/

incapable vertimas

  1. nesugebantis
  2. negalintis
  3. silpnas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • (followed by `of') lacking capacity or ability "incapable of carrying a tune" "he is incapable of understanding the matter" "incapable of doing the work"
  • not meeting requirements "unequal to the demands put upon him"
  • (followed by `of') not having the temperament or inclination for "simply incapable of lying"
  • lacking the necessary skill or knowledge etc. "an incapable helper"
  • not being susceptible to or admitting of something (usually followed by `of') "incapable of solution"
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