furrowed lietuviškai

Play furrowed tarimas /ˈfʌrəʊd/

furrowed vertimas

  1. išvagotas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • having long narrow shallow depressions (as grooves or wrinkles) in the surface "furrowed fields" "his furrowed face lit by a warming smile"
  • hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove "furrow soil"
  • cut a furrow into a columns
  • make wrinkled or creased "furrow one's brow"
  • to break and turn over earth especially with a plow "Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week" "turn the earth in the Spring"
  • a long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made by a plow)
  • a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface "his face has many lines" "ironing gets rid of most wrinkles"
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