frigidity lietuviškai

Play frigidity tarimas /frɪˈdʒɪdɪti/

frigidity vertimas

  1. šaltumas
  2. frigidiškumas
  3. nedraugiškumas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • decline or absence of sexual desire
  • a lack of affection or enthusiasm "a distressing coldness of tone and manner"
  • sexual unresponsiveness (especially of women) and inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse
  • the absence of heat "the coldness made our breath visible" "come in out of the cold" "cold is a vasoconstrictor"
  • Disturbances in sexual desire and the psychophysiologic changes that characterize the sexual response cycle and cause marked distress and interpersonal difficulty. (APA, DSM-IV, 1994)
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