fig lietuviškai

Play fig tarimas /fɪɡ/

fig vertimas

  1. figa
  2. piešinys
  4. figmedis
  5. inžyras
  6. špyga
  7. puošnus apsirengimas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • a diagram or picture illustrating textual material "the area covered can be seen from Figure 2"
  • fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried
  • Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit
  • any moraceous tree of the tropical genus Ficus; produces a closed pear-shaped receptacle that becomes fleshy and edible when mature
  • a Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi
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