extempore lietuviškai

Play extempore tarimas /ɛkˈstɛmp(ə)ri/

extempore vertimas

  1. ekspromtu
  2. nepasiruošus
  3. iš karto
  4. nepagalvojus
  5. atsainiai
  6. nerūpestingai
  7. be ceremonijų
  8. neparengtas
  9. nepasirengus

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • with little or no preparation or forethought "his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment" "an extemporaneous piano recital" "an extemporary lecture" "an extempore skit" "an impromptu speech" "offhand excuses" "trying to sound offhanded and reass..."
  • without prior preparation "he spoke extemporaneously"
  • without previous thought or preparation "couldn't give the figures offhand" "we decided offhand to go to Canada" "she had made these remarks offhandedly"
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