exacting lietuviškai

Play exacting tarimas /ɪɡˈzaktɪŋ/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • requiring more than usually expected or thought due; especially great patience and effort and skill "found the job very demanding" "a baby can be so demanding"
  • requiring precise accuracy "an exacting job" "became more exigent over his pronunciation"
  • severe and unremitting in making demands "an exacting instructor" "a stern disciplinarian" "strict standards"
  • having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures "fastidious microorganisms" "certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements"
  • sharply exact or accurate or delimited "a precise mind" "specified a precise amount" "arrived at the precise moment"
  • rigorously attentive; strict and thorough "close supervision" "paid close attention" "a close study" "kept a close watch on expenditures"
  • (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct "a precise image" "a precise measurement"
  • marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact "an exact mind" "an exact copy" "hit the exact center of the target"
  • take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs "the accident claimed three lives" "The hard work took its toll on her"
  • claim as due or just "The bank demanded payment of the loan"
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