enamel lietuviškai

Play enamel tarimas /ɪˈnam(ə)l/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • any smooth glossy coating that resembles ceramic glaze
  • a paint that dries to a hard glossy finish
  • hard white substance covering the crown of a tooth
  • a colored glassy compound (opaque or partially opaque) that is fused to the surface of metal or glass or pottery for decoration or protection
  • coat, inlay, or surface with enamel
  • A hard thin translucent layer of calcified substance which envelops and protects the dentin of the crown of the tooth. It is the hardest substance in the body and is almost entirely composed of calcium salts. Under the microscope, it is composed of thin rods (enamel prisms) held together by cementing substance, and surrounded by an enamel sheath. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p286)
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