douse lietuviškai

Play douse tarimas /daʊs/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • put out, as of fires, flames, or lights "Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained" "quench the flames" "snuff out the candles"
  • cover with liquid; pour liquid onto "souse water on his hot face"
  • slacken "douse a rope"
  • lower quickly "douse a sail"
  • immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate "dip the garment into the cleaning solution" "dip the brush into the paint"
  • dip into a liquid "He dipped into the pool"
  • wet thoroughly
  • put out, as of a candle or a light "Douse the lights"
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