detestable lietuviškai
detestable tarimas /dɪˈtɛstəb(ə)l/
detestable vertimas
- atstumiantis
- siaubingas
- nekenčiamas
- bjaurus
- šlykštus
- baisus
- įžeidžiantis
- žeidžiantis
- nepadorus
- nešvankus
- atgrasus
- nemalonus
- niekingas
- pasibjaurėtinas
- gėdingas
- liūdnai pagarsėjęs
- neapkenčiamas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- unequivocally detestable "abominable treatment of prisoners" "detestable vices" "execrable crimes" "consequences odious to those you govern" - Edmund Burke
- offensive to the mind "an abhorrent deed" "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee" "morally repugnant customs" "repulsive behavior" "the most repulsive character in recent novels"
- disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings "an unpleasant personality" "unpleasant repercussions" "unpleasant odors"
- characterized by malice "a hateful thing to do" "in a mean mood"
- evoking or deserving hatred "no vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude" - Joseph Priestly
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