deceitfully lietuviškai

Play deceitfully tarimas /dɪˈsiːtfʊli/

deceitfully vertimas

  1. apgaulingai
  2. klaidingai
  3. suktai
  4. nesąžiningai
  5. klastingai
  6. melagingai
  7. apgavikiškai

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • in a deceptive and unrealistic manner "the village looked delusively near"
  • in a misleading way "the exam looked deceptively easy"
  • in a shifty manner "he looked at his new customer shiftily"
  • in a corrupt and deceitful manner "he acted dishonestly when he gave the contract to his best friend"
  • in a dishonest and fraudulent manner "this money was fraudulently obtained"
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