dazzling lietuviškai
dazzling tarimas /ˈdazlɪŋ/
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- overcome as with astonishment or disbelief "The news stunned her"
- amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill "Her arguments dazzled everyone" "The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps"
- to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light "She was dazzled by the bright headlights"
- the visual property of something that shines with reflected light
- brightness enough to blind partially and temporarily
- making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe "a baffling problem" "I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast" "a problematic situation at home"
- shining intensely "the blazing sun" "blinding headlights" "dazzling snow" "fulgent patterns of sunlight" "the glaring sun"
- amazingly impressive; suggestive of the flashing of lightning "the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps" "these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth" - Jane...
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