damper lietuviškai

Play damper tarimas /ˈdampə/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • make (more) humid "We have a machine that humidifies the air in the house"
  • lessen in force or effect "soften a shock" "break a fall"
  • make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible "muffle the message"
  • restrain or discourage "the sudden bad news damped the joyous atmosphere"
  • deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
  • covered or soaked with a liquid such as water "a wet bathing suit" "wet sidewalks" "wet weather"
  • slightly wet "clothes damp with perspiration" "a moist breeze" "eyes moist with tears"
  • unpleasantly cool and humid "a clammy handshake" "clammy weather" "a dank cellar" "dank rain forests"
  • a slight wetness
  • wetness caused by water "drops of wet gleamed on the window"
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