blues lietuviškai

Play blues tarimas /bluːz/

blues vertimas

  1. bloga
  2. prislėgta nuotaika
  3. bloga/prislėgta nuotaika
  4. depresija

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • causing dejection "a blue day" "the dark days of the war" "a week of rainy depressing weather" "a disconsolate winter landscape" "the first dismal dispiriting days of November" "a dark gloomy day" "grim rainy weather"
  • characterized by profanity or cursing "foul-mouthed and blasphemous" "blue language" "profane words"
  • morally rigorous and strict "the puritan work ethic" "puritanic distaste for alcohol" "she was anything but puritanical in her behavior"
  • belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy "an aristocratic family" "aristocratic Bostonians" "aristocratic government" "a blue family" "blue blood" "the blue-blooded aristocracy" "of gentle blood" "patrician landholders of..."
  • used to signify the Union forces in the American Civil War (who wore blue uniforms) "a ragged blue line"
  • suggestive of sexual impropriety "a blue movie" "blue jokes" "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details" "a juicy scandal" "a naughty wink" "naughty words" "racy anecdotes" "a risque story" "spicy gossip"
  • of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky "October's bright blue weather" - Helen Hunt Jackson "a blue flame" "blue haze of tobacco smoke"
  • filled with melancholy and despondency "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face" "gloomy predictions" "a gloomy silence" "took a grim view of the economy" "the darkening mood" "lonely and blue in a strange city" "depressed by the loss of..."
  • any of numerous small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
  • the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic
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