blistering lietuviškai

Play blistering tarimas /ˈblɪstərɪŋ/

blistering vertimas

  1. kartus
  2. rūgštus
  3. kandus
  4. alpinantis

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • (pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid
  • (botany) a swelling on a plant similar to that on the skin
  • a flaw on a surface resulting when an applied substance does not adhere (as an air bubble in a coat of paint)
  • get blistered "Her feet blistered during the long hike"
  • cause blisters to form on "the tight shoes and perspiration blistered her feet"
  • subject to harsh criticism "The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday" "the professor scaled the students" "your invectives scorched the community"
  • Visible accumulations of fluid within or beneath the epidermis.
  • very fast; capable of quick response and great speed "a hot sports car" "a blistering pace" "got off to a hot start" "in hot pursuit" "a red-hot line drive"
  • hot enough to raise (or as if to raise) blisters "blistering sun"
  • harsh or corrosive in tone "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose" "a barrage of acid comments" "her acrid remarks make her many enemies" "bitter words" "blistering criticism" "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show h..."
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