benevolent lietuviškai

Play benevolent tarimas /bɪˈnɛv(ə)l(ə)nt/

benevolent vertimas

  1. švelnaus būdo
  2. malonus
  3. filantropiškas
  4. gero linkintis
  5. palankus
  6. švelnus
  7. geranoriškas
  8. labdaringas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • expressing sympathy
  • showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity "was charitable in his opinions of others" "kindly criticism" "a kindly act" "sympathetic words" "a large-hearted mentor"
  • generous in assistance to the poor "a benevolent contributor" "eleemosynary relief" "philanthropic contributions"
  • generous in providing aid to others
  • doing or producing good
  • intending or showing kindness "a benevolent society"
  • pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence "a benign smile" "the benign sky" "the benign influence of pure air"
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