attractive lietuviškai

Play attractive tarimas /əˈtraktɪv/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • pleasing to the sense of taste
  • highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire "an alluring prospect" "her alluring smile" "the voice was low and beguiling" "difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement" "a tempting invitation"
  • attracting or delighting "an engaging frankness" "a piquant face with large appealing eyes"
  • pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm "a remarkably attractive young man" "an attractive personality" "attractive clothes" "a book with attractive illustrations"
  • having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull "an attractive force" ;
  • having power to arouse interest "an attractive opportunity" "the job is attractive because of the pay"
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