appropriate lietuviškai

Play appropriate tarimas /əˈprəʊprɪət/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town" "he usurped my rights" "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"
  • give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause "I will earmark this money for your research" "She sets aside time for meditation every day"
  • take possession of by force, as after an invasion "the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants" "The army seized the town" "The militia captured the castle"
  • suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc "a book not appropriate for children" "a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity" "it seems that an apology is appropriate"
  • well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force "a valid inference" "a valid argument" "a valid contract"
  • being of striking appropriateness and pertinence "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images" "an apt reply"
  • distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose "I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis" "I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip"
  • make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country"
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