affected lietuviškai

Play affected tarimas /əˈfɛktɪd/

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • artificially formal "that artificial humility that her husband hated" "contrived coyness" "a stilted letter of acknowledgment" "when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation"
  • affectedly dainty or refined
  • acted upon; influenced
  • speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
  • adopted in order to deceive "an assumed name" "an assumed cheerfulness" "a fictitious address" "fictive sympathy" "a pretended interest" "a put-on childish voice" "sham modesty"
  • being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion "too moved to speak" "very touched by the stranger's kindness"
  • go into effect or become effective or operative "The new law will take effect next month"
  • cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid "The acid corroded the metal" "The steady dripping of water rusted the metal stopper in the sink"
  • represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like "She makes like an actress"
  • make physical contact with, come in contact with "Touch the stone for good luck" "She never touched her husband"
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