acceptable lietuviškai

Play acceptable tarimas /əkˈsɛptəb(ə)l/

acceptable vertimas

  1. prideramas
  2. laukiamas
  3. mielas
  4. pakeliamas
  5. pakenčiamas
  6. priimtinas

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba

  • giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted "a welcome relief" "a welcome guest" "made the children feel welcome" "you are welcome to join us"
  • capable of being borne though unpleasant "sufferable punishment"
  • worthy of acceptance or satisfactory "acceptable levels of radiation" "performances varied from acceptable to excellent"
  • adequate for the purpose "the water was acceptable for drinking"
  • meeting requirements "the step makes a satisfactory seat"
  • judged to be in conformity with approved usage "acceptable English usage"
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